Axe “confiance et sécurité numérique”, 21 octobre 2021

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Date(s) - 21/10/2021
14 h 00


Le séminaire de l’Axe 3 se tiendra en salle 21.1.04 le 21 octobre de 14h à 16h.  Il comprendra deux exposés: Haris MOURATIDIS ( fera sa présentation à 14h (en distanciel). Sa présentation sera suivi à 15h par celle de Fatma Hannou post-doctorante ISID.

Lien Teams:

Haris MOURATIDIS : Securing Critical Infrastructures

Professor Haris Mouratidis is Director of the Institute for Analytics and Data Science at the University of Essex, UK. Before that he was Professor and founding Director of the Centre for Secure, Intelligent and Usable Systems (CSIUS) at the University of Brighton. He is Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a visiting professor at the University of Stockholm (Sweden) and the University of Ionian (Greece). His research interests lie in the intersection of security, privacy, and software engineering. He has pioneered work in developing methodologies, modelling languages, ontologies, tools and platforms to support the analysis, design, and monitoring of security, privacy, risk and trust for large-scale complex software systems. He has applied his theoretical work to practical applications in domains such as critical infrastructures, cloud computing, health-care, telecommunications, banking, and e-commerce.

Abstract:  In this talk, Professor Mouratidis will present his latest work on security modelling and analysis for Cyber Supply Chains, and in particular supply chains related to Critical infrastructures. Based on results from the CyberSANE EU funded project, he will present research and practical challenges of securing critical infrastructures and he will then present a novel approach that addresses some of these challenges and novel techniques for threat analysis and predication.

Fatma Hannou (ISID)

Abstract: Integrating cyber-physical systems and connected objects in hospitals has contributed to the automatization of several processes, thus improving the primary mission of hospitals: patient care. However, the architecture complexity induced by this integration points the lack of efficiency of the security management systems, which often treat both cyber and physical features separately despite the considerable multiplication of physical-enabled cyber-attack and cyber-enabled physical-attacks.

The H2020 Safecare project aims at developing an integrated solution to secure the information system of hospitals. This project brings together 20 partners from 10 EU countries: industrials, academics, and governmental organizations within the European Union.

In this talk, I will expose our contribution within this project which end this month. The ISID team contribution was twofold. First, it provides a centralized semantic modeling of cyber-physical artefacts, allowing the creation of hospitals’ security knowledge graphs. Furthermore, the team develops the IPM module: a tool for estimating the cascading effects of incidents occurring in real-time.
