Sourour Elloumi

Professeur des Universités
Bureau : 31.1.87

Je suis professeur à l'Ensta Paris et membre permanent de l'équipe Optimisation Combinatoire du Cedric


Articles de revue

  1. Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A.; Neveu, B. and Trombettoni, G. Global solution of Quadratic Problems by Interval Methods and Convex Relaxations. In Journal of Global Optimization, 2024. doi  www 

Non publié

  1. Jorquera-Bravo, N.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, A. Design and Dimensioning of Natural Gas Pipelines with Hydrogen Injection. , working paper or preprint. www 
  1. Alès, Z.; Duran-Matelunaa, C. and Elloumi, S. A rounding and clustering-based exact algorithm for the p-center problem. , working paper or preprint. www 
  1. Jorquera-Bravo, N.; Elloumi, S.; Kedad-Sidhoum, S. and Plateau, A. Fair Energy Allocation for Collective Self-Consumption. , working paper or preprint. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Duran-Mateluna, C.; Ales, Z.; Elloumi, S. and Jorquera-Bravo, N. Robust MILP formulations for the two-stage weighted vertex p -center problem. In Computers and Operations Research: 106334, 2023. doi  www 
  1. Elloumi, S. and Verchère, Z. Efficient linear reformulations for binary polynomial optimization problems. In Computers and Operations Research, 155: 106240, 2023. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Mencarelli, L. and Elloumi, S. Polynomial Approximation for Binary Nonlinear Programming. In 19th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2023. www 
  1. Verchère, Z.; Elloumi, S. and Simonetto, A. Optimizing Variational Circuits for Higher-Order Binary Optimization. In IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Seattle (WA), United States, 2023. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Dur'an Mateluna, C.; Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. An efficient Benders decomposition for the p-median problem. In European Journal of Operational Research, 2022. doi  www 
  1. Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. Minimizing recovery cost of network optimization problems. In Networks, 2022. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Crama, Y.; Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Rodriguez-Heck, E. Quadratic reformulations for the optimization of pseudo-boolean functions. In International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics ISAIM 2022, Fort Lauderdale, United States, 2022. www 
  1. Alès, Z.; Elloumi, S.; Naghmouchi, M. Y.; Pass-Lanneau, A. and Thuillier, O. Planification optimisée du déploiement d'un réseau de télécommunication multitechnologie par dispositifs aéroportés sur un théâtre d'opérations extérieures. In 23ème congrès annuel de la Société Franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, Villeurbanne - Lyon, France, 2022. www 
  1. Dur'an Mateluna, C.; Jorquera-Bravo, N.; Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. Robust MILP formulations for the two-stage p-Center Problem. In PGMO Days 2022, Palaiseau, France, 2022. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A.; Neveu, B. and Trombettoni, G. Global Solution of Quadratic Problems by Interval Methods and Convex Reformulation. In HUGO 2022 - 15th Workshop on Global Optimization, Szeged, Hungary, 2022. www 
  1. Dur'an Mateluna, C.; Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. An efficient Benders decomposition for the p-median problem. In 23ème congrès annuel de la Société Franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, Villeurbanne - Lyon, France, 2022. www 
  1. Alès, Z.; Elloumi, S. and Pass-Lanneau, A. Algorithmes de placement optimisé de drones pour la conception de réseaux de communication. In Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense (CAID) 2022, Rennes, France, Actes de la 4ème Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense (CAID 2022) , 2022. www 

Non publié

  1. Crama, Y.; Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Rodriguez-Heck, E. Quadratization and convexification in polynomial binary optimization. , working paper or preprint. www 
  1. Dur'an Mateluna, C.; Alès, Z.; Jorquera-Bravo, N. and Elloumi, S. Robust MILP formulations for the two-stage weighted vertex p-center problem. , working paper or preprint. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Lazare, A. Solving unconstrained 0-1 polynomial programs through quadratic convex reformulation. In Journal of Global Optimization, 80 (2): 231-248, 2021. doi  www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Hudry, O.; Marie, E.; Martin, A.; Plateau, A. and Rovedakis, S. Optimization of wireless sensor networks deployment with coverage and connectivity constraints. In Annals of Operations Research, 298 (1-2): 183-206, 2021. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Bucarey, V.; Elloumi, S.; Labbé, M. and Plein, F. Models and Algorithms for the Product Pricing with Single-Minded Customers Requesting Bundles. In Computers and Operations Research, 2020. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Global solution of non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic programs. In Optimization Methods and Software, 34 (1): 98-114, 2019. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Godard, H.; Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A.; Maeght, J. and Ruiz, M. Novel Approach Towards Global Optimality of Optimal Power Flow Using Quadratic Convex Optimization. In 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Paris, France, 2019. doi  www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Lazare, A. Semidefinite programming relaxations through quadratic reformulation for box-constrained polynomial optimization problems. In 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), pages 1498-1503, IEEE, Paris, France, 2019. doi  www 
  1. Lambert, A.; Elloumi, S.; Godard, H.; Maeght, J. and Ruiz, M. Solving Alternative Current Optimal Power Flow to Global Optimality with Quadratic Reformulation Using Semi-Definite Programming and Branch-and-Bound. In PGMO days, Palaiseau, France, 2019. www 
  1. Lucas, R.; Alès, Z.; Ramond, F. c. and Elloumi, S. Reducing the Adaptation Costs of a Rolling Stock Schedule with Adaptive Solution: the Case of Demand Changes. In RailNorrk"oping 2019. 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA), pages 857-876, Norrk"oping, Sweden, Link"oping Electronic Conference Proceedings 69, 2019. www 
  1. Lucas, R.; Alès, Z.; Elloumi, S. and Ramond, F. c. Réduction des co^uts d'adaptation d'un plan de transport ferroviaire `a l'aide de solutions adaptative. In Conférence ROADEF 2019, Le Havre, France, 2019. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Lazare, A. Quadratisation et reformulation convexe pour les polyn^omes de variables binaires. In ROADEF 2019, Le Havre, France, 2019. www 
  1. Lambert, A.; Elloumi, S.; Lazare, A. and Rodriguez-Heck, E. The Impact of Quadratization in Convexification-Based Resolution of Polynomial Binary Optimization. In PGMO days, Palaiseau, France, 2019. www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. Compact MILP formulations for the p-center problem. In Combinatorial Optimization, pages 14-25, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10856, 2018. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Lambert, A.; Elloumi, S.; Godard, H.; Maeght, J. and Ruiz, M. Solve Alternative Current Optimal Power Flow to global optimality. In ISMP 18, bordeaux, France, 2018. www 
  1. Lambert, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lazare, A. Unconstrained 0-1 polynomial optimization through convex quadratic reformulation. In ISMP 18, Bordeaux, France, 2018. www 
  1. Lucas, R.; Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. A MILP Formulation for Adaptive Solutions in Railway Scheduling. In PGMO Days 2018, Palaiseau, France, 2018. www 
  1. Lambert, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lazare, A. Résolution du problème de suites binaires avec faible autocorrélation `a l'aide d'une reformulation quadratique convexe. In ROADEF 2018, Lorient, France, 2018. www 
  1. Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. Comparaison de formulations pour le problème du p-centre. In Conférence ROADEF 2018, Lorient, France, 2018. www 
  1. Alès, Z. and Elloumi, S. Compact MILP formulations for the p-center problem. In ISCO (International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization) 2018, Marrakesh, France, 2018. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Tréfond, S.; Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S.; Djellab, H. and Guyon, O. Optimization and simulation for robust railway rolling-stock planning. In Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 2017. doi  www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Wiegele, A. Using a Conic Bundle Method to Accelerate Both Phases of a Quadratic Convex Reformulation. In INFORMS Journal on Computing, 29 (2): 318-331, 2017. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S.; Godard, H.; Lambert, A.; Maeght, J. and Ruiz, M. Solving Optimal Power Flow through reformulation. In 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, montréal, Canada, 2017. www 
  1. d'Ambrosio, C.; Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Lazare, A. Optimisation de programmes polynomiaux en variables 0-1 et sans contraintes. In ROADEF 17, Metz, France, 2017. www 
  1. Godard, H.; Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A.; Maeght, J. and Ruiz, M. Reformulation Quadratique Convexe Pour l'Optimisation des Flux de Puissance. In ROADEF 17, Metz, France, 2017. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Lambert, A. and Lazare, A. Global optimisation of binary polynomial programs. In PGMO Days, Palaiseau, France, 2017. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Hudry, O.; Marie, E.; Plateau, A. and Rovedakis, S. Optimization of wireless sensor networks deployment with coverage and connectivity constraints. In IEEE, pages 0336-0341, IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE , 2017. doi  www 
  1. Lambert, A. and Elloumi, S. Quadratic convex reformulation for partitioning problems. In EUROPT 17, Montreal, Canada, 2017. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Exact quadratic convex reformulations of mixed-integer quadratically constrained problems. In Mathematical Programming, 158 (1-2): 235-266, 2016. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Comparison of Quadratic Convex Reformulations to Solve the Quadratic Assignment Problem. In cocoa 2016, pages 726-734, Hong Kong, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. COCOA 2016 10043, 2016. doi  www 
  1. Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Reformulation quadratique convexe du problème d'affectation quadratique. In ROADEF 2016, Compiègne, France, 2016. www 
  1. Lambert, A.; Elloumi, S.; d'Ambrosio, C. and Lazare, A. Global solution of mixed-integer polynomial optimization problems through quadratic reformulation. In PGMO days, Palaiseau, France, 2016. www 
  1. Dubois, C.; Butant, A. and Elloumi, S. Preuve formelle et contrainte alldiff. In Actes ROADEF 2016 : 17e conférence de la société franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, pages 1-2, UTC, Compiègne, France, 2016. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lambert, A.; Elloumi, S. and Billionnet, A. Global Solution of General Quadratic Programs. In ISMP 15, Pittsburg, United States, 2015. www 
  1. Dubois, C.; Elloumi, S.; Robillard, B. and Vincent, C. Graphes et couplages en Coq. In Vingt-sixièmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2015), Le Val d'Ajol, France, 2015. www 
  1. Bentz, C.; Elloumi, S.; Gourdin, E. and Lefebvre, T. Flot maximum robuste avec incertitudes sur les chemins. In 16eme congrès annuel de la ROADEF, pages 1, Marseille, France, 2015. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. A Branch and Bound algorithm for general mixed-integer quadratic programs based on quadratic convex relaxation. In Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 28 (2): 376-399, 2014. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Lefebvre, T.; Bentz, C.; Elloumi, S. and Gourdin, E. Survivable Network Coding. In ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société franc caise de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide `a la décision, Bordeaux, France, 2014. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Gourdin, E. and Lefebvre, T. Does network coding improve the throughput of a survivable multicast network ?. In Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2014 10th International Conference on the, pages 1-8, Ghent, Belgium, 2014. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Recent advances in solving some optimization problems in graphs by quadratic programming. In Ninth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization. GO IX, pages 1, X, Italy, 2014. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. Tutoriel : Reformulation Quadratique Convexe pour l'optimisation Quadratique discrète~: résultats de base et extensions récentes. In ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société franc caise de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide `a la décision, Bordeaux, France, 2014. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. Tutoriel: Reformulation Quadratique Convexe pour l'optimisation Quadratique discrète: résultats de base et extensions récentes. In 15?me congr?s annuel de la ROADEF, pages 1, X, France, 2014. www 
  1. Bentz, C.; Elloumi, S.; Gourdin, E. and Lefebvre, T. Network coding for survivable multicast video streaming networks. In Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), 2014 6th International Workshop on, pages 138-144, X, France, 2014. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. Quadratic Convex Reformulation for discrete quadratic optimization : Basic results and recent extensions. In PGMO-COPI'14, pages 66, X, France, 2014. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. An efficient compact quadratic convex reformulation for general integer quadratic programs. In Computational Optimization and Applications, 54 (1): 141-162, 2013. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Quadratic convex reformulation for graph partitionning problems. In IFIP TC 7 / 2013 System Modelling and Optimization, pages 1, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2013. www 
  1. Trefond, S.; Djellab, H.; Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Optimisation et simulation pour la planification robuste des roulements déngins en milieu ferroviaire. In 14è conférence ROADEF de la Société Franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide `a la Décision, TROYES, France, 2013. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Djellab, H.; Elloumi, S. and Trefond, S. A column generation based method for robust railway rolling-stock planning. In TRISTAN VIII - EIGHTH TRIENNIAL SYMPOSIUM ON TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS, San Pedro De Atacama, Chile, 2013. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Convex reformulations of mixed-integer quadratically constrained programs. In EUROPT 2013, pages 24, Florence, Italy, 2013. www 
  1. Tréfond, S.; Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Djellab, H. Optimisation et simulation pour la planification robuste des roulements d?engins en milieu ferroviaire. In ROADEF, 14? Conf?rence de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et Aide ? la D?cision, pages 241, Troyes, France, 2013. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Billionnet, A. and Lambert, A. Global solution of mixed-integer quadratic programs through quadratic convex reformulation. In EURO XXVI, pages 91, ROME, Italy, 2013. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Gourdin, E. and Lefebvre, T. Network coding with single arc failures. In ECCO, European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 2, X, France, 2013. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Yaman, H. and Elloumi, S. Star p-hub Center Problem and Star p-hub Median Problem with Bounded Path Lengths. In Computers and Operations Research, 39: 2725-2732, 2012. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Extending the QCR method to the case of general mixed integer programs. In Mathematical Programming Computation, 131: 381-401, 2012. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Trefond, S.; Djellab, H.; Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Escobar, E. A robust-planning methodology for railway rolling-stock. In A robust-planning methodology for railway rolling-stock, pages 349, Lyndhurst, New Forest, United Kingdom, 2012. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. A unified view of linear and quadratic convex reformulations for binary quadratic programming. In ISMP, pages 1 page, Berlin, Germany, 2012. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Convex reformulations of Integer Quadratically Constrained Problems. In ISMP (21th International Symposium of Mathematical programming), pages 1 page, Berlin, Germany, 2012. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. A new Branch and Bound algorithm for MIQPs. In EURO 2012, pages 57, Vilnius, Liechtenstein, 2012. www 
  1. Trefond, S.; Djellab, H.; Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Planification robuste du matériel roulant ferroviaire. In Congrès annuel de la Société franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, pages 544, Angers, France, 2012. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. A solution method for quadratically constrained integer problems. In Optimization 2011, Lisbon, Portugal., pages 64, X, France, 2011. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Elloumi, S. A tighter formulation of the p-median problem. In Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 19 (1): 69-83, 2010. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Reformulation convexe des programmes quadratiques entiers : un algorithme de Branch and Bound fondé sur la structure du problème reformulé. In ROADEF 10, 11?me congr?s annuel de la Soci?t? fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et d?Aide ? la D?cision, pages 2 pages, Toulouse, France, 2010. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Solving a general mixed-integer quadratic problem through convex reformulation : a computational study. In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, Marseille, France, 2010. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. and Yaman, H. Hub Problems with Bounded Path Lengths. In The 10th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference, Montr?al, pages 2 pages, X, France, 2010. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. and Plateau, A. A computational study for the p-median Problem. In ISCO 2010 - International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 455-462, Elsevier, Hammamet, Tunisia, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 2010. doi  www 


  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Solving a general mixed-integer quadratic problem through convex reformulation : a computational study. , Poster. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, M-C. Improving the performance of standard solvers for quadratic 0-1 programs by a tight convex reformulation: The QCR method. In Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157: 1185-1197, 2009. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Convex reformulations for binary quadratic programs. In EURO 2009, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, pages 47, Bonn, Germany, 2009. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Résolution de programmes quadratiques en nombres entiers par reformulation convexe. In JPOC 6 (Journ?es Poly?dres et Optimisation Combinatoire), pages 15-18, Bordeaux, France, 2009. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Convex reformulations for integer quadratic programs. In 20th International Symposium of Mathematical programming (ISMP), pages 115, Chicago, United States, 2009. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Le Ma?tre, A. Equipment replacement planning in a telecommunication network with a decreasing number of clients. In INOC (International Network Optimization Conference), pages 4 pages, Pise, Italy, 2009. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Christophe, J.; Dewez, S.; Doignon, J.P.; Elloumi, S.; Fasbender, G.; Gr?goire, Ph.; Huygens, D.; Labb?, M.; M?lot, H. and Yaman, H. Linear inequalities among graph invariants: using GraPHedron to uncover optimal relationships. In Computer Networks Journal, 52: 287-298, 2008. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, M-C. Quadratic 0-1 programming : tightening linear or quadratic convex reformulation by use of relaxations. In RAIRO - Operations Research, 42 (2): 103-121, 2008. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Linear Reformulations of Integer Quadratic Programs. In MCO'08, 2nd international conference on Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, pages 43-51, Metz, France, LNCS , 2008. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Le Ma?tre, A. Optimisation robuste d'une migration de matériel dans un réseau en décroissance. In ROADEF'08, 9?me Congr?s de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et d?Aide ? la D?cision, pages 69-70, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2008. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. Nouvelles inégalités valides pour l'affectation quadratique généralisée. In ROADEF'08, Clermont-Ferrand, février, pages 179, X, France, 2008. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Lambert, A. Comparaison de reformulations linéaires de programmes quadratiques en nombres entiers. In ROADEF'08, 9?me Congr?s de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et d?Aide ? la D?cision, pages 71-72, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2008. www 


  1. Elloumi, S. An efficient linearization for the Constrained Task Allocation Problem. Technical Report CEDRIC-08-1372, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2008.


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Using a Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming Solver for the Unconstrained Quadratic 0-1 Problem. In Mathematical Programming Computation, 109 (1): 55-68, 2007. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Carme, L.; Elloumi, S. and Le Ma?tre, A. Etude d'un problème réel de migration de matériel dans un réseau avec décroissance des clients. In FRANCORO 5 / ROADEF'07, 5?me journ?es francophones de recherche op?rationnelle / 8?me congr?s de la soci?t? fran?aise de recherche op?rationnelle et d'aide ? la d?cision, pages 95-96, Grenoble, France, 2007. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, M-C. Reformulation d'un programme quadratique avec un objectif déj`a convexe : la méthode QCR appliquée `a un problème d'investissement. In FRANCORO 5 / ROADEF'07, 5?me journ?es francophones de recherche op?rationnelle / 8?me congr?s de la soci?t? fran?aise de recherche op?rationnelle et d'aide ? la d?cision, pages 369-370, Grenoble, France, 2007. www 
  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Planification d'une migration de réseau dans un réseau en décroissance. In Journ?e Optimisation dans les r?seaux ? Gaz-de-France, Saint-Denis., X, France, 2007. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, M-C. Programmation Quadratique en Variables 0-1 avec Contraintes Linéaires. In ROADEF'06 7ème congrès, Lille, février, pages 32, X, France, 2006. www 
  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Le Ma?tre, A. Equipments replacement planning in a telecommunications network. In SODA'06: Seminar on Optimization and Decision Aid, Sophia-antipolis, X, France, 2006. www 


  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, M-C. Quadratic Convex Reformulation : a Computational Study of the Graph Bisection Problem. Technical Report CEDRIC-06-1003, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2006.


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Grouz Djerbi, L. Designing radio-mobile access networks based on SDH rings. In Computers and Operations Research, 32: 379-394, 2005. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, M-C. Convex Quadratic Reformulation Applied to the Graph Equicut Problem. In ALIO/EURO'05 5th Conf. on Combinatorial Optimization, ENST, Paris, France, X, France, 2005. www 
  1. Elloumi, S. Une formulation alternative de Problèmes de Localisation. In ROADEF'05 6ème congrès, Tours, février, pages 171-172, X, France, 2005. www 
  1. Plateau, M-C.; Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Eigenvalue Methods for Linearly Constrained Quadratic 0-1 Problems with Application to the Densest k-Subgraph Problem. In ROADEF 05, février, Tours, pages 55-66, X, France, 2005. www 


  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, M-C. Convex Quadratic Programming for Exact Solution of 0-1 Quadratic Programs. Technical Report CEDRIC-05-856, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2005.
  1. Elloumi, S. Linear Programming versus convex quadratic programming for the module allocation problem. Technical Report CEDRIC-05-1100, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2005.


Articles de revue

  1. Elloumi, S.; Labb?, M. and Pochet, Y. A new formulation and exact solution method for the p-center problem. In INFORMS Journal on Computing, 16: 84-94, 2004. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Labbé, M. and Pochet, Y. New formulation and resolution method for the p-center problem. In I N F O R M S Journal on Computing, 16: 84-94, 2004. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Blanchard, A.; Elloumi, S.; Faye, A. and Wicker, N. Un algorithme de génération de coupes pour le problème de l'affectation quadratique. In INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 41: 35-49, 2003. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Relaxation convexe pour la minimisation d'une fonction quadratique en variables 0-1. In 5ème congrès de la ROADEF, Avignon, 26-28 février, X, France, 2003. www 


  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Using a Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming Solver for the Unconstrained Quadratic 0-1 Problem. Technical Report CEDRIC-03-466, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2003.
  1. Elloumi, S.; Roupin, F. and Soutif, E. Comparison of Different Lower Bounds for the Constrained Module Allocation Problem. Technical Report CEDRIC-03-473, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2003.


Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S.; Labb?, M. and Pochet, Y. Formulation et résolution d'un problème de p-Centre tolérant aux pannes. In Congrès de la ROADEF 2002, X, France, 2002. www 
  1. Cardinal, J.; Elloumi, S. and Labb?, M. Local optimization of index assignments for multiple description coding. In XIth European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2002), X, France, 2002. www 
  1. Elloumi, S.; Labb?, M. and Pochet, Y. Generalisations of the p-Center problem: formulations and solution methods. In ECCO XV, X, France, 2002. www 


  1. Elloumi, S. and Soutif, E. Comparaison expérimentale de différentes bornes inférieures pour un problème de placement de tâches. Technical Report CEDRIC-02-323, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2002.
  1. Blanchard, A.; Elloumi, S.; Faye, A. and Wicker, N. Une famille de facettes pour le polytope de l'affectation quadratique. Technical Report CEDRIC-02-330, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2002.


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Best reduction of the quadratic semi-assignment problem. In Discrete Applied Mathematics, 109: 197-213, 2001. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Grouz Djerbi, L. A decomposition method for designing radio-mobile access networks based on SDH rings. In EURO 2001, Rotterdam, X, France, 2001. www 
  1. Blanchard, A.; Elloumi, S.; Faye, A. and Wicker, N. Un algorithme de coupes pour l'Affectation Quadratique. In FRANCORO III, X, France, 2001. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S. and Soutif, E. Comparaison expérimentale de différentes bornes inférieures pour un problème de placement de tâches. In ROADEF'2000, Nantes, X, France, 2000. www 
  1. Grouz Djerbi, L.; Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Designing radio-mobile access networks based on SDH ring structures. In DRCN2000,Munich, X, France, 2000. www 
  1. Blanchard, A.; Faye, A. and Elloumi, S. Facettes du polytope de l'affectation quadratique. In ROADEF'2000, Nantes, X, France, 2000. www 
  1. Grouz Djerbi, L.; Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Designing radio-mobile access networks based on SDH rings. In CO 2000, London, X, France, 2000. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S.; Faye, A. and Soutif, E. Decomposition and Linearization for 0-1 Quadratic Programming. In APMOD'98, Limassol, CYPRUS, X, France, 1998. www 



  1. Billionnet, A.; Elloumi, S. and Faye, A. The Quadratic Assignment Polytope. Technical Report CEDRIC-97-381, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 1997.


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. An algorithm for finding the k-best allocations of a tree-structured program. In Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 26: 225-232, 1995. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S. Theoretical and experimental comparison of different lower bounds for a task allocation problem. In APMOD'95, Londres, X, France, 1995. www 


  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. A new lower bound for the minimization of a constrained non-linear pseudo-Boolean function. Technical Report CEDRIC-95-324, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 1995.


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Placement des tâches d'un programme `a structure arborescente sur un réseau de processeurs: synthèse de résultats récents. In INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 32: 65-86, 1994. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Billionnet, A. and Elloumi, S. Placement de tâches dans un système distribué et dualité lagrangienne. In RAIRO - Operations Research, 26: 83-97, 1992. www