Philippe Rigaux
Professeur des Universités
Personal website:
Phone: +33 1 58 80 88 35
Office: 37.1.42
I am full professor in Computer Science at Cnam since september 2010. I have been formerly affiliated to Paris-Sud, Paris-Dauphine, INRIA, with a few additional years spent in private companies. I am specialized in data management for various data types, ranging from spatial and geographical data to multimedia documents. I am currently working on music representation, and more specifically on transcription from audio to music notation, i.e, scores.
Articles de revue
- Topological Querying of Music Scores. In Data and Knowledge Engineering, 153: 102340, 2024. doi www
- Exploration de partitions musicales modélisées sous forme de graphe. In Revue ouverte d'ingénierie des systèmes d'information, 4 (2), 2024. doi www
Articles de conférence
- FACETS: A Tool for Improved Exploration of Large Symbolic Music Collections. In DLfM 2024: 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, pages 63-67, ACM, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2024. doi www
- Improved symbolic drum style classification with grammar-based hierarchical representations. In Proceedings of the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, San Francisco, United States, 2024. www
Articles de revue
- A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections. In Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6 (1): 23, 2022. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Modeling and Editing Cross-Modal Synchronization on a Label Web Canvas. In Music Encoding Conference (MEC 2022), pages 61-71, Halifax, Canada, 2022. doi www
- Towards a Graph-Oriented Perspective for Querying Music Scores. In Proceedings of the INFORSID conference, Dijon, France, 2022. www
Articles de revue
- Data Quality Assessment in Digital Score Libraries. The GioQoso Project. In International Journal on Digital Libraries, 22 (2): 159-173, 2021. doi www
Articles de conférence
- ASAP: a dataset of aligned scores and performances for piano transcription. In ISMIR 2020 - 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Montreal / Virtual, Canada, 2020. www
Articles de conférence
- Modeling and Learning Rhythm Structure. In Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Malaga, Spain, 2019. www
- A Parse-based Framework for Coupled Rhythm Quantization and Score Structuring. In MCM 2019 - Mathematics and Computation in Music, Springer, Madrid, Spain, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM 2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019. doi www
- Scalable Searching and Ranking for Melodic Pattern Queries. In Intl. Conf. of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Delft, Netherlands, 2019. www
Articles de revue
- Modeling Music as Synchronized Time Series: Application to Music Score Collections. In Information Systems, 73: 35-49, 2018. doi www
Articles de conférence
- 'Evaluation de la correction rythmique des partitions numérisées. In JIM 2018 - Journées d'Informatique Musicale, pages 87-95, Amiens, France, 2018. www
- Gioqoso, an online Quality Assessment Tool for Music Notation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation -- TENOR'18, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation -- TENOR'18 , 2018. www
- Data Quality Rules for Digital Score Libraries. Technical Report, IRISA, Université de Rennes, 2018.
Articles de conférence
- Ontology-Based Annotation of Music Scores. In Knowledge Capture Conference, pages 1-4, ACM Press, Austin, France, 2017. doi www
- Quality Awareness over Graph Pattern Queries. In Proceedings of the International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS), Bristol, United Kingdom, 2017. doi www
- Formalizing quality rules on music notation. An ontology-based approach. In International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation - TENOR'17, Coruna, Spain, 2017. www
Actes de colloque
Articles de revue
- AS-Index: A Structure For String Search Using n-grams and Algebraic Signatures. In Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 31 (1): 147-166, 2016. doi www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- A Theoretical and Experimental Comparison of Filter-Based Equijoins in MapReduce. In Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXV, pages 33-70, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9620, 2016. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Vers un Traitement Algébrique de la Notation Musicale. In (JIM'16) Journées d'Informatique Musicale, pages 61-70, Albi, France, 2016. www
- A Digital Score Library Based on MEI. In (MEC'16) Music Encoding Conference, pages 1-4, Montréal, Canada, 2016. www
- Querying XML score databases: XQuery is not enough. In (ISMIR'16) International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pages 723-729, New-York, USA, Unknown Region, 2016. doi www
- Querying Music Notation. In (TIME'16) International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, pages 1-9, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 2016. doi www
- Is There a Data Model in Music Notation?. In (TENOR'16) International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, pages 1-6, Cambridge, UK, Unknown Region, 2016. www
- A Methodology for Quality Assessment in Collaborative Score Libraries. In Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, New York City, United States, 2016. www
Articles de conférence
- A File By Any Other Name: Managing File Names with Metadata. In International Conference on Systems and Storage (SYSTOR), pages 1-11, Haifa, Israel, 2014. www
Articles de revue
- The Design and Implementation of NEUMA, a Collaborative Digital Score Library - Requirements, architecture, and models. In International Journal On Digital Libraries (IJODL): 1-24, 2012. www
- The design and implementation of Neuma, a collaborative Digital Scores Library - Requirements, architecture, and models. In Int. J. on Digital Libraries: 73-88, 2012. www
- Web Data Management. Cambridge University Press, 2012. www
Articles de conférence
- Browse Your Content-Based Distributed Repository!. In BDA'12, Bases de Données Avancées, pages 1-5, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2012. www
- A Desktop Interface over Distributed Document Repositories. In International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT'12), pages 104-107, Berlin, Germany, 2012. www
Articles de conférence
- Longitudinal Analytics on Web Archive Data: It's About Time!. In 5th biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Asilomar, United States, 2011. www
- Longitudinal Analytics on Web Archive Data: It's About Time!. In Intl. Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), pages 199-202, X, France, 2011. www
- Indexing Symbolic Music Scores. In Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), pages 60-77, Rabat, Morocco, 2011. www
- The Melodic Signature Index for Fast Content-based Retrieval of Symbolic Scores. In ISMIR 2011 - 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pages 363-368, Miami, United States, 2011. www
- Web Data Management and Distribution. Cambridge University Press, 2010. www
Articles de conférence
- Modeling synchronized time series. In IDEAS 2010 : Fourteenth International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, pages 82-89, Montreal, Canada, 2010. doi www
Articles de revue
- Large-Scale Indexing of Spatial Data in Distributed Repositories: the SD-Rtree. In The VLDB Journal, 19: 933-958, 2009. www
Articles de conférence
- Optimisation d'applications orientées données. In Actes des 25èmes journées des Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), Namur, Belgium, 2009. www
- The NEUMA Project: Towards Cooperative On-line Music Score Libraries. In International Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces (WEMIS), Corfu, Greece, 2009. www
- Fingering Watermarking in Symbolic Digital Scores. In International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Kobe, Japan, 2009. www
- AS-Index: A Structure For String Search Using n-grams and Algebraic Signatures. In CIKM'09 , ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Hong-Kong, pages 295-304, X, France, 2009. www
- Speeding-up data-driven applications with program summaries. In IDEAS '09: Thirteenth International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium Cetraro - Calabria Italy September 16 - 18, 2009, pages 66-76, Association for Computing Machinery, Cetraro, Italy, 2009. doi www
Articles de revue
- Parameterized Pattern Queries. In Data Knowledge Engineering Journal DKE, 63: 433-456, 2007. www
Articles de conférence
- Dynamic Storage Balancing in a Distributed Spatial Index. In GIS'07 ACM Intl Symp. on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Seattle, pages 27-34, X, France, 2007. www
- A Framework for Distributed Spatial Indexing in Shared-Nothing Architectures. In BDA'07 Bases de Données Avancées, Marseille, X, France, 2007. www
- SDR-tree: a Scalable Distributed Rtree. In ICDE'07 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering, pages 296-305, X, France, 2007. www
Articles de conférence
- On-line Aggregation and Filtering of pattern-based Queries. In SSDBM'06 Vienne, Austria, pages 333-342, X, France, 2006. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Management of Large Moving Objects Data Sets: Indexing, Benchmarking and Uncertainty in Movement Representation. In Spatial Databases, 2005. www
Articles de conférence
- Projet Motif : proposition de définition, de méthode de représentation et d'interrogation des patrons de mobilité. In Colloque de bilan de programme interdisciplinaire ''Société de l'information'', pages 65-68, ENS-LSH, Lyon, France, 2005. www
- Efficient Evaluation of Parameterized Pattern Queries. In ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pages 728-735, X, France, 2005. www
- Adaptive Personalisation in Self e-Learning Networks. In 1st International ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, pages 9, Vico Equense (Naples), Italy, 2005. www
- Systèmes d'information géographique spatio-temporelle : application aux problèmes de mobilité. Technical Report, , 2005.
Articles de conférence
- Personalisation Services for Self e-Learning Networks. In 2nd IST Workshop on Metadata Management in Grid and P2P Systems: Models, Services and Architectures (MMGPS'04), pages 14 pages, London, United Kingdom, 2004. www
- Patrons de mobilités : proposition de définition, de méthode de représentation et d'interrogation. In 7ème Journées CASSINI, pages 19-25, X, France, 2004. www
- Multi-scale Classification of Moving Object Trajectories. In oc. Intl. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Databases (SSDBM), X, France, 2004. www
- Patrons de mobilité quotidienne : représentation et interrogation. In Colloque Cassini'04 - 7ème conférence du GDR Sigma ''Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale'', pages 19-23, Grenoble, France, 2004. www
Articles de revue
- Building a Constraint-Based Spatial Database System: Model, Languages, and Implementation. In Information Systems, 28: 563-595, 2003. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Architectures and Implementations of Spatio-temporal Database Management Systems. In Spatio-temporal databases: the Chorochro, pages 263-318, 2003. www
- Spatio-temporal Models and Languages: An Approach Based on Constraints. In Spatio-temporal Models and Languages: An Approach Based on Constraints., pages 177-201, 2003. www
- Comprendre XSLT. , 2002. www
Articles de conférence
- Web Architectures for Scalable Moving Object Servers. In ACM-GIS'02, X, France, 2002. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- The DEDALE Prototype. In The DEDALE Prototype, 2000. www
- Query Evaluation and Optimization. In Query Evaluation and Optimization, 2000. www
- Bases de Données Spatio-Temporelles. In Le temps, l'Espace et l'Evolutif en Science du Traitement de l'Information., 2000. www
Articles de conférence
- Manipulating Interpolated Data is Easier than You Thought. In Intl. Conf. on Very Large Databases (VLDB), X, France, 2000. www
- The Sort/Sweep Algorithm: A New Method for R-tree Based Spatial Joins. In Intl. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Databases (SSDBM), X, France, 2000. www
Articles de conférence
- A Performance Evaluation of Spatial Join Processing Strategies. In Intl. Conf. on Large Spatial Databases (SSD'99), X, France, 1999. www
- The BASIS System: a Benchmarking Approach for Spatial Index Structures. In Intl. Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management (STDBM'99), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1999. doi www
- On the Orthographic Dimension of Constraint Databases. In Intl. Conf. on Database Theory (ICDT), X, France, 1999. www
Articles de conférence
- The DEDALE System for Complex Spatial Queries. In ACM-SIGMOD Intl. Conf. on the Management of Data (SIGMOD'98), Seattle, WA, United States, 1998. www
- Spatio-Temporal Data Handling with Constraints. In Intl. Symposium on Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS'98), X, France, 1998. www
Articles de conférence
- DEDALE, A Spatial Constraint Database. In Intl. Workshop on Database Programming Languages (DBPL), X, France, 1997. www
- SGBD Géographiques. , 1996. www
Articles de conférence
- A Loosely Coupled Interface to an Object-Oriented Geographic Database. In Intl. Conf. on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'95), X, France, 1995. www
- Multi-Scale Partitions: Application to Spatial and Statistical Databases. In Intl. Conf on Large Spatial Database (SSD'95), X, France, 1995. www