
Cedric du Mouza
I am professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), member of the information systems team, named Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information et de Décision (ISID) . My research work concerns especially three areas: * modeling, querying and indexing spatial, spatio-temporal and multi-dimensional databases * Web syndication and Social Networks algorithms with scalability and semantic issues * digital humanities You can consult and download most of my papers on this site or consult DBLP. I was member of the program committee for various conferences, including (EDBT, DBKDA, BDA, DEXA, etc) and member of the organization committee of NLDB'07 and ICDE'18. I am also reviewer for VLDB, DAMI and IS journals. My teaching activity concerns mainly databases (relational and decisional) and information systems. I coordinated the QUALHIS project (MASTODONS) and DAPHNE project (ANR). I was involved in the following research projects: ROSES (ANR), DISCO (ANR), Scrambling (Indus.), Neuma (ANR)
Articles de conférence
- Shadowfax: Harnessing Textual Knowledge Base Population. In SIGIR 2024: The 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 2796-2800, Association for Computing Machinery, Washington DC, United States, 2024. doi www
Articles de revue
- De l'histoire numérique `a l'histoire données~?. In Les Cahiers de Framespa : e-Storia (42), 2023. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Peuplement de base de connaissances, évaluation et système end-to-end. In Conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), Lyon, France, 2023. www
- Evaluating and Improving End-to-End Systems for Knowledge Base Population. In International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Lisbonne, France, 2023. www
Articles de conférence
- Uncertainty detection in~historical databases. In NLDB 2022 : 27th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, pages 73-85, Springer International Publishing, Valencia, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 13286, 2022. doi www
Articles de revue
- Conceptual modeling of prosopographic databases integrating quality dimensions. In Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, Special Issue on Data Science and Digital Humanities @ EGC 2018, 2021. doi www
- Reducing the filter bubble effect on Twitter by considering communities for recommendations. In International Journal of Web Information Systems, 17 (6): 728-752, 2021. doi www
Articles de conférence
- An Interaction Profile-based Classification for Twitter Users. In International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA) 2021, pages 21-25, Valence, Spain, 2021. www
- Mapping multidimensional schemas to property graph models. In ER 2021 40th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 3-14, Springer International Publishing, St. John's, NL, Canada, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13012, 2021. doi www
Articles de revue
- Real-Time Influence Maximization in a RTB Setting. In Data Science and Engineering, 5 (3): 224-239, 2020. doi www
- Conception de Bases de Données Prosopographiques en Histoire - Un 'Etat de l'Art. In Revue ouverte d'ingénierie des systèmes d'information, 1 (3): 1-19, 2020. doi www
Articles de conférence
- 'Evaluer la crédibilité des sources historiques. In Atelier EGC DAHLIA, Bruxelles, France, 2020. www
- Contribution of conceptual modeling to enhancing historians' intuition : application to prosopography. In ER 2020 : 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 164-173, Springer, Vienne, Austria, ER 2020: Conceptual Modeling , 2020. doi www
- A pattern-based Approach for an Early Detection of Popular Twitter Accounts. In International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS), Séoul, France, 2020. doi www
- A Pattern-based Approach for an Early Detection of Popular Twitter Accounts. In Conférence sur la Gestion de Données -- Principes, Technologies et Applications (BDA), Paris, France, 2020. www
Articles de conférence
- Modeling historical social networks databases. In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pages 2772-2781, Hawaii, United States, 2019. www
- A Label-based Edge Partitioning for Multi-Layer Graphs. In 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019), pages 2216-2225, HICSS, Maui, Hawaii, United States, 2019. doi www
- Community-based Recommendations on Twitter: Avoiding The Filter Bubble. In Web Information Systems Engineering -- WISE 2019, Hong-Kong, China, 2019. doi www
- Design science research for the humanities. The case of prosopography. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, pages 239-253, Springer, Worcester, United States, 2019. doi www
- RTIM: a Real-Time Influence Maximization Strategy. In Web Information Systems Engineering -- WISE 2019, Hong-Kong, China, 2019. doi www
- Influence Maximization in a Real-Time Bidding Environment. In Bases de Données Avancées (BDA'19), Lyon, France, 2019. www
Articles de conférence
- Modélisation conceptuelle des bases prosopographiques : représentation de l'information incertaine. In SDHn 2018 : Atelier Sciences des Données et Humanités Numériques, Paris, France, 2018. www
- An Homophily-based Approach for Fast Post Recommendation in Microblogging Systems. In Open Proceedings, pages 229-240, Vienne, Austria, 2018. doi www
- Les bases de données prosopographiques : un état de l'art. In INFORSID 2018 : 36e congrès INFormatique des ORganisation et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision. Atelier SIHN, pages 1-18, Nantes, France, 2018. www
Articles de revue
- Un partitionnement d'arêtes `a base de blocs pour les algorithmes de marches aléatoires dans les grands graphes sociaux. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 22 (3): 89-113, 2017. doi www
Articles de conférence
- SGVCut: A Vertex-Cut Partitioning Tool for RandomWalks-based Computations over Social Network graphs. In International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM, pages 39:1-39:4, Chicago, United States, 2017. doi www
- Tweet, Retweet et Follower : que recommander et `a qui ?. In AISR2017, Paris, France, 2017. www
Articles de revue
- Content-Based Publish/Subscribe System for Web Syndication. In Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 31: 359-380, 2016. doi www
- AS-Index: A Structure For String Search Using n-grams and Algebraic Signatures. In Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 31 (1): 147-166, 2016. doi www
- Recommandation contextuelle d'utilisateurs pour les plateformes de micro-blogging. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information: 93-118, 2016. doi www
Articles de conférence
- A Block-Based Edge Partitioning for Random Walks Algorithms over Large Social Graphs. In Web Information Systems Engineering -- WISE 2016, pages 275-289, Shanghai, China, 2016. www
- Finding Users of Interest in Micro-blogging Systems. In International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT, Bordeaux, France, 2016. doi www
- A Block-Based Edge Partitioning for Random Walks Algorithms over Large Social Graphs. In 32ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - BDA2016, Poitiers, France, 2016. www
Articles de conférence
- Recommandation d'utilisateurs pour les sites de microblogging. In 31ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - BDA2015, ^Ile de Porquerolles, France, 2015. www
Articles de revue
- A semantic approach for semi-automatic detection of sensitive data. In Information Resources Management Journal, 27 (4): 23-44, 2014. doi www
- RSS feeds behavior analysis, structure and vocabulary. In International Journal of web information systems, 10 (3): 291-320, 2014. doi www
Articles de conférence
- RecLand: A Recommender System for Social Networks. In International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pages 2063-2065, ACM, Shanghai, China, 2014. doi www
Articles de conférence
- An Intelligent PubSub Filtering System. In Bases de Données Avancées, Nantes, France, 2013. www
Articles de conférence
- Subscription Indexes for Web Syndication Systems. In EDBT'12, International Conference on Extending Database Technology, pages 311-322, Berlin, Germany, 2012. www
- A Desktop Interface over Distributed Document Repositories. In International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT'12), pages 104-107, Berlin, Germany, 2012. www
- Efficient Filtering in Micro-blogging Systems: We Won't Get Flooded Again. In Intl. IEEE Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Databases (SSDBM'12), pages 168-176, Chania, Greece, 2012. www
- Indexes Analysis for Matching Subscriptions in RSS feeds. In Bases de Données Avancées, BDA'2012, pages 1-20, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2012. www
- Browse Your Content-Based Distributed Repository!. In BDA'12, Bases de Données Avancées, pages 1-5, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2012. www
Articles de conférence
- Indexing Symbolic Music Scores. In Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), pages 60-77, Rabat, Morocco, 2011. www
- The Melodic Signature Index for Fast Content-based Retrieval of Symbolic Scores. In ISMIR 2011 - 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pages 363-368, Miami, United States, 2011. www
- Characterizing Web Syndication Behavior and Content. In WISE'11, The 12th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, pages 29-42, Sydney, Australia, 2011. www
- Everything you would like to know about RSS feeds and you are afraid to ask. In BDA'11, Base de Données Avancées, pages 1-20, Rabat, Morocco, 2011. www
- Projet VIVA : Vivre avec Alzheimer en 2030. , Poster. www
Articles de conférence
- Towards an automatic detection of sensitive information in a database. In DBKDA 2010 : 2nd International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, pages 247-252, IEEE Computer Society, Les Menuires, France, 2010. doi www
Articles de revue
- Large-Scale Indexing of Spatial Data in Distributed Repositories: the SD-Rtree. In The VLDB Journal, 19: 933-958, 2009. www
Articles de conférence
- AS-Index: A Structure For String Search Using n-grams and Algebraic Signatures. In CIKM'09 , ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Hong-Kong, pages 295-304, X, France, 2009. www
- D2.1 State-of-the art of XML data stream models, Livrable 2.1 ANR RoSeS. Technical Report CEDRIC-09-1799, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2009.
Articles de conférence
- POEM: an Ontology Manager based on Existence Constraints. In DEXA'08, Turin (Italie), pages 81-88, X, France, LNSS 5181, 2008. www
- OMEN : un outil de gestion dontogies basé sur les contraintes dexistence. Technical Report CEDRIC-08-1515, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2008.
Articles de revue
- Parameterized Pattern Queries. In Data Knowledge Engineering Journal DKE, 63: 433-456, 2007. www
Articles de conférence
- A Framework for Distributed Spatial Indexing in Shared-Nothing Architectures. In BDA'07 Bases de Données Avancées, Marseille, X, France, 2007. www
- SDR-tree: a Scalable Distributed Rtree. In ICDE'07 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering, pages 296-305, X, France, 2007. www
- Dynamic Storage Balancing in a Distributed Spatial Index. In GIS'07 ACM Intl Symp. on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Seattle, pages 27-34, X, France, 2007. www
Articles de conférence
- On-line Aggregation and Filtering of pattern-based Queries. In SSDBM'06 Vienne, Austria, pages 333-342, X, France, 2006. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Management of Large Moving Objects Data Sets: Indexing, Benchmarking and Uncertainty in Movement Representation. In Spatial Databases, 2005. www
Articles de conférence
- Projet Motif : proposition de définition, de méthode de représentation et d'interrogation des patrons de mobilité. In Colloque de bilan de programme interdisciplinaire ''Société de l'information'', pages 65-68, ENS-LSH, Lyon, France, 2005. www
- Efficient Evaluation of Parameterized Pattern Queries. In ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pages 728-735, X, France, 2005. www
Articles de conférence
- Patrons de mobilités : proposition de définition, de méthode de représentation et d'interrogation. In 7ème Journées CASSINI, pages 19-25, X, France, 2004. www
- Multi-scale Classification of Moving Object Trajectories. In oc. Intl. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Databases (SSDBM), X, France, 2004. www
- Patrons de mobilité quotidienne : représentation et interrogation. In Colloque Cassini'04 - 7ème conférence du GDR Sigma ''Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale'', pages 19-23, Grenoble, France, 2004. www
Articles de conférence
- Web Architectures for Scalable Moving Object Servers. In ACM-GIS'02, X, France, 2002. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Bases de Données Spatio-Temporelles. In Le temps, l'Espace et l'Evolutif en Science du Traitement de l'Information., 2000. www