Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau
Membre associé
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Office: 33.1.14A
Articles de revue
- Knowledge contributions in design science research: Paths of knowledge types. In Decision Support Systems, 166: 113898, 2023. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Design Science Research: Progression, Schools of Thought and Research Themes. In 18th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, pages 235-249, Springer, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud, South Africa, 2023. doi www
Articles de conférence
- A Granular View of Knowledge Development in Design Science Research. In DESRIST2022 : The Transdisciplinary Reach of Design Science Research, pages 363-375, Springer International Publishing, St Petersburg (Florida), United States, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13229, 2022. doi www
- Uncertainty detection in~historical databases. In NLDB 2022 : 27th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, pages 73-85, Springer International Publishing, Valencia, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 13286, 2022. doi www
- Evaluation de la valeur des données - Modèle et méthode. In Actes du 40ème congrès INFORSID, pages 163-178, Dijon, France, 2022. www
Articles de revue
- Conceptual modeling of prosopographic databases integrating quality dimensions. In Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, Special Issue on Data Science and Digital Humanities @ EGC 2018, 2021. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Mapping multidimensional schemas to property graph models. In ER 2021 40th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 3-14, Springer International Publishing, St. John's, NL, Canada, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13012, 2021. doi www
Articles de revue
- Conception de Bases de Données Prosopographiques en Histoire - Un 'Etat de l'Art. In Revue ouverte d'ingénierie des systèmes d'information, 1 (3): 1-19, 2020. doi www
Articles de conférence
- 'Evaluer la crédibilité des sources historiques. In Atelier EGC DAHLIA, Bruxelles, France, 2020. www
- Contribution of conceptual modeling to enhancing historians' intuition : application to prosopography. In ER 2020 : 39th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 164-173, Springer, Vienne, Austria, ER 2020: Conceptual Modeling , 2020. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Modeling historical social networks databases. In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pages 2772-2781, Hawaii, United States, 2019. www
- 'Evaluation de la gouvernance de l'information : une approche holistique. In AIM 2019 : 24ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, pages ., Nantes, France, 2019. www
- 'Evaluation de la gouvernance de l'information : une approche multifacette et multicritères. In INFORSID 2019 : 37e congrès INFormatique des ORganisation et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, pages ., Paris, France, 2019. www
- Query-based reverse engineering of graph databases : from program to model. In M2P@ADBIS 2019, pages 188-197, Springer, Bled, Slovenia, 2019. doi www
- Evaluation of Big Data governance : combining a multi-criteria approach and systems theory. In Proceedings IEEE World Congress on Services 2019, pages 398-399, IEEE, Milan, Italy, 2019. doi www
- Design science research for the humanities. The case of prosopography. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, pages 239-253, Springer, Worcester, United States, 2019. doi www
Articles de revue
- Roundtrip engineering of NoSQL databases. In Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, 13: 281-292, 2018. doi www
- Anonymisation de données par généralisation. Méthode avec guidage. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 23 (1): 63-87, 2018. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Relational Database Anonymization - A Model-driven Guiding Approach. In 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, pages 161-170, Scitepress. Science and Technology Publications, Funchal, France, 2018. doi www
- A pragmatic approach for identifying and managing design science research goals and evaluation criteria. In AIS SIGPrag Pre-ICIS workshop on ''Practice-based Design and Innovation of Digital Artifacts'', pages ., San Francisco, United States, 2018. www
- Les bases de données prosopographiques : un état de l'art. In INFORSID 2018 : 36e congrès INFormatique des ORganisation et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision. Atelier SIHN, pages 1-18, Nantes, France, 2018. www
- Modélisation conceptuelle des bases prosopographiques : représentation de l'information incertaine. In SDHn 2018 : Atelier Sciences des Données et Humanités Numériques, Paris, France, 2018. www
Actes de colloque
Articles de revue
- Research on Big Data - A systematic mapping study. In Computer Standards and Interfaces, 54 (Part 2): 105-115, 2017. doi www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- A method for emerging technology evaluation. Application to Blockchain and smart data discovery. In Conceptual modeling perspectives, pages 247-258, Springer International Publishing, 2017. doi www
- A Four V's design approach of NoSQL graph databases. In Advances in Conceptual Modeling : ER 2017 Workshops AHA, MoBiD, MREBA, OntoCom, and QMMQ, Valencia, Spain, November 6--9, 2017, Proceedings, pages 58-68, Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10651, 2017. doi www
- Guidelines for Web Application Designers: A Meta-Model, a Grammar, and a Tool. In International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Revised Selected Papers, pages 242-260, Springer International Publishing, ICEIS 2016: Enterprise Information Systems , 2017. doi www
- Evaluating knowledge types in design science research : an integrated framework. In Designing the Digital Transformation : 12th International Conference, DESRIST 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 30 -- June 1, 2017, Proceedings, pages 201-217, Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10243, 2017. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Model-Driven reverse engineering of NoSQL property graph databases. In Big Data 2017 : IEEE International Conference on Big Data, pages ., IEEE Computer Society, Boston, United States, 2017. doi www
- Evaluation des systèmes d'information `a base de technologies émergentes : application `a la blockchain. In INFORSID 2017 : 35ème Conférence INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, pages 145-160, Toulouse, France, 2017. www
Non publié
- Using the AMAN-DA method to generate security requirements: a case study in the maritime domain. , working paper or preprint. www
Articles de revue
- Design Science Research Contribution to Business Intelligence in the Cloud -- A Systematic Literature Review. In Future Generation Computer Systems, 2016. doi www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- The structure of DSR knowledge as reflected by DESRIST - A Citation Analysis (2009-2015). In Tackling Society's Grand Challenges with Design Science : 11th International Conference, DESRIST 2016, St. John's, NL, Canada, May 23-25, 2016, Proceedings, pages 177-185, Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9661, 2016. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Structuring Guidelines for Web Application Designers - A Meta-model. In 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 327-335, Scitepress. Science and and Technology Publications, Rome, Italy, 2016. doi www
- Method Engineering - Whence and Whither. In CBI 2016 : 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, pages ., Paris, France, 2016. www
Actes de colloque
Articles de revue
- A taxonomy of evaluation methods for information systems artifacts. In Journal of Management Information Systems, 32 (3): 229-267, 2015. doi www
- Reusable knowledge in security requirements engineering: a systematic mapping study. In Requirements Engineering: 1-33, 2015. doi www
Articles de conférence
- A Security Ontology for Security Requirements Elicitation. In International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems, Milan, Italy, 2015. doi www
- Abstracting Anonymization Techniques: A Prerequisite for Selecting a Generalization Algorithm. In Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 19th Annual Conference, KES-2015, pages 206-215, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Procedia Computer Science 60, 2015. doi www
- Characterizing research on big data and security based on a bibliometric study. In SCBC 2015 : Workshop on ''Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Big Data and Conceptual Modeling'' in Conjunction with International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2015), pages ., Stockholm, Sweden, 2015. www
- Building an Ontology to Capitalize and Share Knowledge on Anonymization Techniques. In 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2015), Udine, Italy, 2015. www
- Research on Big Data : characterizing the field and its dimensions. In MoBiD 2015, pages 173-183, Springer, Stockholm, Sweden, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9382, 2015. doi www
Articles de revue
- A semantic approach for semi-automatic detection of sensitive data. In Information Resources Management Journal, 27 (4): 23-44, 2014. doi www
- Business Intelligence. Un état de l'art. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19 (5): 9-43, 2014. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Les systèmes d'information comptables : modélisation et évaluation. In Comptabilité, finance et politique : de la pratique `a la théorie : l'art de la conceptualisation, pages 297-310, Ordre des experts-comptables, Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Christian Hoarau , 2014. www
Articles de conférence
- Characterizing Generalization Algorithms-First Guidelines for Data Publishers. In KMIS 2014- International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages pp, Rome, Italy, 2014. www
- Business Intelligence and Big Data in the Cloud: Opportunities for Design-Science Researchers. In Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Proceedings of ER 2014 Workshops, pages 75-84, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2014. www
- Artifact evaluation in information systems design-science research ? A holistic view. In PACIS 2014 : 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, pages Paper 23, Chengdu, China, 2014. www
Articles de revue
- Improving Business Process Model Quality Using Domain Ontologies. In Journal on Data Semantics, 2 (2-3): 75-87, 2013. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Using Security and Domain ontologies for Security Requirements Analysis. In The 8th IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust and Privacy for Software Applications in conjunction with COMPSAC, the IEEE Signature Conference on Computers, Software & Application., pages 1-7, Kyoto, Japan, 2013. www
- Security requirements analysis based on security and domain ontologies. In REFSQ, pages 1-3, Essen, Germany, 2013. www
Articles de revue
- An MDA approach to knowledge engineering. In Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (12): 10420-10437, 2012. doi www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Qualité des modèles de données. In La qualité et la gouvernance des données : au service de la performance des entreprises, pages 16 pages, Hermes sciences publications : Lavoisier, Recherche, technologie, applications. Informatique et systèmes d'information , 2012. www
Articles de conférence
- Ontologies for Security Requirements: A Literature Survey and Classification. In The 2nd International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering WISSE'12 in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'12), pages 1-8, Gdansk, Poland, 2012. www
- Towards a semantic quality based approach for business process models improvement. In Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2012, pages 1_11, Geelong, victoria, Australia, 2012. www
- Transforming multidimensional models into OWL-DL ontologies. In RCIS 2012 : 6th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, pages 1-12, IEEE, Valencia, Spain, 2012. doi www
- De l'analyse des risques `a léxpression des exigences de sécurité des systèmes d'informations. In INFORSID 2012 : 30e congrès INFormatique des ORganisation et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, pages 337-362, Montpellier, France, 2012. www
- Aligning Business Process Models and Domain Knowledge: A Meta-Modeling Approach. In European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pages 45-56, Springer, Poznan, Poland, 2012. doi www
Non publié
- Ontologies for Security Requirements: A Literature Survey and Classification (long version). , working paper or preprint. www
Articles de revue
- Assessment and Analysis of Information Quality: a Multidimensional Model and Case Studies. In Journal International Journal of Information Quality, 2 (4): 300-323, 2011. doi www
- Combining objects with rules to represent aggregation knowledge in data warehouse and OLAP systems. In Data and Knowledge Engineering, 70 (8): 732-752, 2011. doi www
Articles de conférence
- A pattern-oriented methodology for conceptual modeling evaluation and improvement. In RCIS 2011 : 5th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, pages 1-11, IEEE, Gosier, Guadeloupe, France, 2011. doi www
- Federating information system quality frameworks using a common ontology. In ICIQ 2011 : 16th International Conference on Information Quality, pages 160-173, Adelaide, Australia, 2011. www
- A conceptual meta-model for secured information systems. In ICSE 2011 : 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, 7th International Workshops on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS 2011), pages 22-28, IEEE/ACM, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 2011. doi www
- Mapping CommonKADS Knowledge Models into PRR. In SEKE 2011 : 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering Knowledge Engineering, pages 143-148, Miami Beach, FL, United States, 2011. www
- A UML profile for security concepts. Technical Report CEDRIC-11-2343, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2011.
Articles de revue
- La qualité des systèmes d'information ? Vers une vision plus intégrée. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 15 (6): 9-32, 2010. www
Articles de conférence
- Un modèle CIM pour les systèmes d'information sécurisés. In IBIMA 2010 : 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference on Knowledge Management and Innovation: a Business Competitive Edge Perspective, French Session, Cairo, Egypt, 2010. www
- Representation of aggregation knowledge in OLAP systems. In ECIS 2010 : 18th European Conference on Information Systems, pages 1-12, Pretoria, South Africa, ECIS 2010 Proceedings , 2010. www
- CM-Quality: A Pattern-Based Method and Tool for Conceptual Modeling Evaluation and Improvement. In 14th East European Conference Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), pages 406-420, Novi Sad, Sweden, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6295, 2010. www
- A framework for auditing web-based information systems. In ECIS 2010 : 18th European Conference on Information Systems, pages 1-13, Pretoria, South Africa, ECIS 2010 Proceedings , 2010. www
- Towards an automatic detection of sensitive information in a database. In DBKDA 2010 : 2nd International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, pages 247-252, IEEE Computer Society, Les Menuires, France, 2010. doi www
- La qualité des systèmes d'information : analyse et évaluation. , Guest Editors. www
- Intégration des propriétés de sécurité dans UML. Technical Report CEDRIC-10-2344, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2010.
Articles de revue
- Qualité perc cue des schémas conceptuels. Etude comparée informaticiens vs. utilisateurs. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 14 (4): 33-54, 2009. www
- Vers l'ingénierie des évolutions. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 14 (6): 9-17, 2009. www
Articles de conférence
- Multidimensional Management and Analysis of Quality Measures for CRM Applications in an Electricity Company. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ), Potsdam, Germany, 2009. www
- Un environnement pour l'évaluation et l'amélioration de la qualité des modèles de systèmes d'information. In INFORSID 2009 : XXVIIème Congrès INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, pages 329-344, Toulouse, France, 2009. www
- Data Quality through Conceptual Model Quality - Reconciling Researchers and Practitioners through a Customizable Quality Model. In ICIQ (International Conference on Information Quality), Hasso-Plattner-Institute Potsdam, Germany, pages 61-74, X, France, 2009. www
- Data Quality Through Model Quality: A Quality Model for Measuring and Improving the Understandability of Conceptual Models. In DQS'09, International Workshop on Data Quality and Security in conjunction with the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'09). Hong Kong, pages 29-32, X, France, 2009. www
- Multidimensional Management and Analysis of Quality Measures for CRM Applications. In 14th International Conference on Information Quality, pages -, Postdam, Germany, 2009. www
- Mobilité et bureaux virtuels : un modèle d'adoption. In AIM 2009 : 14ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, pages 1-8, Marrakech, Morocco, 2009. www
- Ingénierie des évolutions. , Guest Editors. www
Articles de conférence
- Evaluation de la qualité des systèmes multisources : une approche par les patterns. In Quatrième Atelier Qualité des Données et des Connaissances, EGC 2008 : 8èmes Journées Francophones Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2008. www
- Quality of conceptual schemas an experimental comparison. In RCIS 2008 : 2nd International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, pages 197-208, IEEE, Marrakech, Morocco, 2008. doi www
- Quality patterns for conceptual modelling. In ER 2008 : 27th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 142-153, Springer, Barcelona, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series 5231, 2008. doi www
Articles de revue
- Extracting generalization hierarchies from relational databases : a reverse engineering approach. In Data and Knowledge Engineering, 63 (2): 568-589, 2007. doi www
Articles de conférence
- A framework for quality evaluation in data integration systems. In ICEIS 2007 : 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 170-175, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2007. www
- Du logiciel libre au logiciel de communauté : un modèle de prédiction d'adoption dans le monde de l'éducation. In AIM 2007 : 12ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2007. www
- Perceived vs. measured quality of conceptual schemas : an experimental comparison. In ER2007 : 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 185-190, Australian Computer Society, Auckland, New Zealand, CRPIT : Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology 83, 2007. www
- QUADRIS : Qualité des données dans les systèmes d'informations multi-sources. , Journées Panorama des Recherches incitatives en STIC (PaRiSTIC'07), Cité des Sciences de la Villette, Paris, 5 - 6 - 7 novembre. www
- Extracting Generalization/specialization Hierarchies from Relational Databases: a Reverse Engineering Approach. Technical Report CEDRIC-01-256, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2007.
Articles de revue
- A UML-based data warehouse design method. In Decision Support Systems, 42 (3): 1449-1473, 2006. doi www
- Encyclopédie de l'informatique et des systèmes d'information. Vuibert, 2006. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Conception et mise en oeuvre des bases de données. In Encyclopédie de l'informatique et des systèmes d'information, pages 500-512, Vuibert, 2006. www
- L'audit des systèmes d'information. In Encyclopédie de l'informatique et des systèmes d'information, Vuibert, 2006. www
Articles de conférence
- Use case modeling and refinement : a quality-based approach. In ER 2006 : 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 84-97, Springer, Tucson, AZ, United States, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4215, 2006. doi www
- Developing a framework for analyzing IS/IT backsourcing. In AIM 2006 : 11ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, pages 330-340, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LNI , 2006. www
- QUADRIS : Qualité des données dans les systèmes d'informations multi-sources. , Colloque Panorama des Recherches Incitatives en STIC (PaRISTIC). www
- Preface to QoIS 2005. , Préface to the QoIS worshop, joint to the ER2005 conference. doi www
- Processus métiers et Systèmes d'Information. , FNEGE 2. www
Actes de colloque
- Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling. ER 2005 Workshops AOIS, BP-UML, CoMoGIS, eCOMO, and QoIS, Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28, 2005. Proceedings. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005. www
- Management avec Excel : en pratique. Vuibert informatique, Vuibert informatique , 2004. www
Articles de conférence
- Les systèmes d'information comptables multidimensionnels : comparaison de deux modèles. In AIM 2004 : 9ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, pages 8, Evry, France, 2004. www
- Les bases de données. Presses universitaires de France, Que sais-je ? 3685, 2003. www
Articles de conférence
- A framework for database evolution management. In USE 2003 : 2nd International Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution, in conjunction with ETAPS 2003, pages 1-9, Warsaw, Poland, 2003. www
- Supporting database evolution : using ontologies matching. In OOIS 2003 : 9th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, pages 284-288, Springer, Geneva, Switzerland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2817, 2003. doi www
- Audit d'un site web : une démarche structurée. In AIM 2003 : 8ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, Grenoble, France, 2003. www
- An ontology-based approach for database evolution. In EMISA-FORUM- ER'2003 (short paper), Chicago, IL, United States, 2003. www
- A framework for conceptual modeling quality evaluation. In ICSQ 2003 : 13th International Conference on Software Quality, Dallas, Texas, United States, 2003. www
Articles de conférence
- Conceptual modeling quality : from EER to UML schemas evaluation. In ER 2002 : International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 414-428, Springer, Tampere, Finland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2503, 2002. doi www
- Measuring UML conceptual modeling quality : method and implementation. In BDA 2002 : 18èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, Evry, France, 2002. www
- An extensible framework for web sites integration. In EISIC 2002, IFIP TC8/ WG8.1 Working Conference on Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, pages 303-332, Kanazawa, Japan, 2002. www
- COTS-Based System Engineering: The Linguistics Approach. In International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems, pages 1, New York, NY, United States, 2002. www
Articles de revue
- La rétro-conception des bases de données et des systèmes de fichiers : un état de l'art. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 6 (1), 2001. www
- Conception des bases de données relationnelles : en pratique. Vuibert informatique, En pratique. Série Bases de données , 2001. www
Articles de conférence
- Léxternalisation des systèmes d'information : proposition d'un cadre conceptuel. In AIM 2001 : 6ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, pages 8, Nantes, France, 2001. www
- Dimension hierarchies design from UML : generalizations and aggregations. In ER 2001 : International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pages 442-455, Springer, Yokohama, Japan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2224, 2001. doi www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Auditing computer and management information systems. In Encyclopedia of library and information science, M. Dekker, 2000. www
Articles de conférence
- Migration versus reverse engineering of network databases. In CSMR 2000 : 4th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering. Reengineering Week, pages 15, Zurich, Switzerland, 2000. www
- Hiérarchies de généralisation dans les bases de données : une approche hybride de rétro-conception. In INFORSID 2000 : XVIIIème Congrès InFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, Lyon, France, 2000. www
- Une démarche d'aide au choix d'une méthode de reconfiguration de processus. In AIM 2000 : 5ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, Montpellier, France, 2000. www
- Conceptual Modeling - ER '99 : 18th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling Paris, France, November 15--18, 1999, Proceedings. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1728, 1999. www
Articles de conférence
- Relational database reverse engineering : elicitation of generalization hierarchies. In ER' 99 Workshops on Evolution and Change in Data Management, Reverse Engineering in Information Systems, and the World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling, pages 173-185, Springer, Paris, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1727, 1999. doi www
- Rétro-conception des datawarehouses et des systèmes multidimensionnels. In INFORSID 1999 : XVIIème Congrès INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, pages 227-256, La Garde, France, 1999. www
- Datawarehouses et systèmes multidimensionnels : comparaison des méthodes de modélisation. In AIM 1999 : 4ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management, Cergy, France, 1999. www
Articles de conférence
- La comptabilité multidimensionnelle : le méta-modèle DREAM. In Modèles comptables et modèles d'organisation, pages cd-rom, Association Franc caise de Comptabilité, Montpellier, France, 1995. www