Agnès Plateau

Maître de conférences
Personal website:
Phone: +33158808562
Office: 31.1.77

Assistant professor in computer science in the team Combinatorial Optimization of the Cedric-Cnam lab, my main line of research is "Mathematical programming and applications"


Non publié

  1. Jorquera-Bravo, N.; Elloumi, S. and Plateau, A. Design and Dimensioning of Natural Gas Pipelines with Hydrogen Injection. , working paper or preprint. www 
  1. Jorquera-Bravo, N.; Elloumi, S.; Kedad-Sidhoum, S. and Plateau, A. Fair Energy Allocation for Collective Self-Consumption. , working paper or preprint. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Elloumi, S.; Hudry, O.; Marie, E.; Martin, A.; Plateau, A. and Rovedakis, S. Optimization of wireless sensor networks deployment with coverage and connectivity constraints. In Annals of Operations Research, 298 (1-2): 183-206, 2021. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Houdayer, A.; Plateau, A. and Soutil, E. Planification des courses de plat au galop. In ROADEF 2020. 21ème congrès annuel de la société Franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, Montpellier, France, 2020. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Houdayer, A.; Plateau, A. and Soutil, E. Planification des courses de galop. In ROADEF2019. 20ème congrès annuel de la société Franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, Le Havre, France, 2019. www 



  1. Delacroix, J.; Barthélemy, F. c.; Fournier, R.; Gil-Michalon, I.; Lambert, A.; Plateau, A.; Rovedakis, S.; Simonot, M.; Thion, V. and Waymel, E. Informatique. Dunod, Fluoresciences , 2017. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S.; Hudry, O.; Marie, E.; Plateau, A. and Rovedakis, S. Optimization of wireless sensor networks deployment with coverage and connectivity constraints. In IEEE, pages 0336-0341, IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE , 2017. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Schepler, X.; Alfandari, L. and Plateau, A. A branch-and-price-and-cut approach for sustainable crop rotation planning. In European Journal of Operational Research, 241: 872-879, 2015. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Alfandari, L.; Plateau, A. and Schepler, X. Un algorithme de branch-and-price-and-cut pour la planification durable de rotations agricoles. In ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société franc caise de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide `a la décision, Bordeaux, France, 2014. www 

Non publié

  1. Alfandari, L.; Plateau, A. and Schepler, X. A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut approach for Sustainable Crop Rotation Planning. , working paper or preprint. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Alfandari, L.; Sadki-Fenzar, J.; Plateau, A. and Nagih, A. Hybrid column generation for large-size Covering Integer Programs : application to transportation planning. In Computers and Operations Research, 40 (8): 1938-1946, 2013. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Plateau, A.; Alfandari, L. and Schepler, X. Un algorithme de Branch-and-Price pour le problème de planification durable de rotations culturales. In ROADEF 2011, 13?me congr?s de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et d'Aide ? la Decision, pages 70-71, X, France, 2013. www 
  1. Plateau, A.; Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A. and Sadki, J. Hybrid column generation for large-size Covering Integer Programs. In European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 34-35, Paris, France, 2013. www 
  1. Plateau, A.; Alfandari, L. and Schepler, X. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Sustainable Crop Rotation Planning. In EURO-INFORMS - Rome 2013, pages 44, X, Italy, 2013. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Generalizations of Dobson approximation algorithm and cooperation with Column Generation for large-size Covering Integer Programs. In ISCO 2012, 2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 1-4, Athens, Greece, 2012. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Schéma hybride de génération de colonnes pour un problème de planification de production agricole. In ROADEF 2011, 12?me congr?s de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et d'Aide ? la Decision, pages 441-442, Saint-Etienne, France, 2011. www 
  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Hybridization of column generation and approximation heuristics for large-size Covering Integer Programs. In MIC 2011 : The IX Metaheuristics International Conference, pages 531-533, Udine, Italy, 2011. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Elloumi, S. and Plateau, A. A computational study for the p-median Problem. In ISCO 2010 - International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 455-462, Elsevier, Hammamet, Tunisia, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 2010. doi  www 
  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Hybridization of column generation and greedy schemes for transportation planning problem. In CIRO10, Cinqui?me Conf?rence Internationale en Recherche Op?rationnelle, Marrakech (Maroc), mai, pages 102-104, X, France, 2010. www 


  1. Sadki-Fenzar, J.; Alfandari, L.; Plateau, A. and Nagih, A. Space minimization in agricultural production planning by column generation. Technical Report, , 2010.


Articles de conférence

  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. A hybrid approach combining column generation and approximation heuristic for large-size CIP. In ISMP'09, 20th Meeting of the International Symposium for Mathematical Programming, Chicago, pages 59, X, France, 2009. www 
  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Problèmes de couverture généralisée en transport : combinaisons d'une heuristique gloutonne et de la génération de colonnes. In ROADEF'09, pages 216-217, Nancy, France, 2009. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Approximation of generic Locomotive Assignment Problems. In IFORS'08 Sandton, Afrique du Sud, pages 6-7, X, France, 2008. www 
  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Approximation du problème générique d'affectation de locomotives. In ROADEF'08, Clermont-Ferrand, février, pages 399-400, X, France, 2008. www 
  1. Alfandari, L.; Nagih, A.; Plateau, A. and Sadki, J. Approximation de problèmes de couverture de tâches en transport ferroviaire. In JPOC'08 Rouen, pages 38-40, X, France, 2008. www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Alfandari, L.; Plateau, A. and Tolla, P. A path-relinking algorithm for the Generalized Assignment Problem. In Metaheuristics Computer Decision-Making, pages -, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2004. www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Nagih, A.; Plateau, A.; Plateau, G. and Maculan, N. Programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. In Programmation linéaire en nombres entiers, 2002. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Alfandari, L.; Plateau, A. and Tolla, P. A path-relinking metaheuristic for the generalized assignment problem. In 12th Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (CO'02), Paris, France, 2002. www 
  1. Alfandari, L. and Plateau, A. A path relinking metaheuristic for the GAP. In CO'02 (12th Int. Symp. on Combinatorial Optimization) Paris, X, France, 2002. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Alfandari, L.; Plateau, A. and Tolla, P. A two-phase path relinking process for the GAP. In MIC'01 (4th Metaheuristics International Congress) Porto, X, France, 2001. www 
  1. Alfandari, L.; Plateau, A. and Tolla, P. A two-phase path-relinking algorithm for the generalized assignment problem. In Metaheuristics International Congress (MIC), Porto, Portugal, 2001. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Plateau, A.; Tachat, D. and Tolla, P. A method combining interior point methods and metaheuristics for 0-1 programming. In CLAIO'00 Mexico, X, France, 2000. www 
  1. Plateau, A.; Tachat, D. and Tolla, P. How combining interior point methods and metaheuristics for multiconstraint knapsack problem. In 17th Int. Symp. on Mathematical Programming Atlanta 7-11 ao^ut, X, France, 2000. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Plateau, A.; Tachat, D. and Tolla, P. Metaheuristics and interior point methods : a new method. In FORS'99 (15th World Conference on Operations Research) Pékin 16-20 ao^ut, X, France, 1999. www 
  1. Plateau, A.; Tachat, D. and Tolla, P. Méthodes de points intérieurs pour la programmation en nombres entiers. In ROADEF'99 Autrans, X, France, 1999. www 
  1. Boucher, P.; Plateau, A.; Tachat, D. and Tolla, P. Combining metaheuristics with interior point methods. In MIC'99 (3rd Metaheuristics International Congress) Angra dos Reis (Brésil), X, France, 1999. www