Raphaël Fournier-S'niehotta
Membre associé
Personal website: http://raphael.fournier-sniehotta.fr/apropos
Phone: +33 1 58 80 86 35
Office: 37.1.40
Articles de revue
- ITEM: Improving Training and Evaluation of Message-Passing based GNNs for top-k recommendation. In Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal, 2024. www
Articles de conférence
- Temporal receptive field in dynamic graph learning: A comprehensive analysis. In MLG Workshop at ECML-PKDD, Vilnius (Lituanie), France, 2024. www
- MAP Inference Reasoning on TMLN with Neo4j. In BDA'24, Orléans, France, 2024. www
- FACETS: A Tool for Improved Exploration of Large Symbolic Music Collections. In DLfM 2024: 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, pages 63-67, ACM, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2024. doi www
- Supra-Laplacian Encoding for Transformer on Dynamic Graphs. In The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver (CA), Canada, 2024. www
Articles de conférence
- NeoMaPy: A Parametric Framework for Reasoning with MAP Inference on Temporal Markov Logic Networks. In ACM digital library, pages 400-409, ACM, Birmingham (UK), United Kingdom, CIKM '23: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2023, 2023. doi www
Articles de revue
- A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections. In Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6 (1): 23, 2022. doi www
Articles de revue
- Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks. In Theoretical Computer Science, 859: 80-115, 2021. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Web Image Context Extraction with Graph Neural Networks and Sentence Embeddings on the DOM tree. In GEM: Graph Embedding and Mining - ECML/PKDD Workshops, pages 258-267, IEEE, Bilbao, Spain, 2021. doi www
- PKSpell: Data-Driven Pitch Spelling and Key Signature Estimation. In International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Online, India, 2021. www
Articles de conférence
- Testing the Impact of Semantics and Structure on Recommendation Accuracy and Diversity. In ASONAM 2020. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, La Hague (virtual), Netherlands, 2020. www
Articles de revue
- Augmenting content-based rating prediction with link stream features. In Computer Networks, 150: 127-133, 2019. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Encoding temporal and structural information in machine learning models for recommendation. In LEG @ ECML-PKDD 2019, W"urzburg, Germany, 2019. www
- A diff procedure for music score files. In 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM), pages 7, ACM, The Hague, Netherlands, 2019. www
Articles de revue
- Modeling Music as Synchronized Time Series: Application to Music Score Collections. In Information Systems, 73: 35-49, 2018. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Discovering Patterns of Interest in IP Traffic Using Cliques in Bipartite Link Streams. In International Conference on Complex Networks (COMPLENET 2018), pages 233-241, Boston, United States, Complex Networks IX Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Complex Networks CompleNet 2018 , 2018. doi www
- 'Evaluation de la correction rythmique des partitions numérisées. In JIM 2018 - Journées d'Informatique Musicale, pages 87-95, Amiens, France, 2018. www
Actes de colloque
Articles de revue
- L'histoire du Cédric : penser un dispositif archivistique en histoire des sciences. In Cahiers d'histoire du Cnam, vol.07 - 08 (1): 133-153, 2017. www
- Informatique. Dunod, Fluoresciences , 2017. www
Articles de conférence
- Is There a Data Model in Music Notation?. In (TENOR'16) International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, pages 1-6, Cambridge, UK, Unknown Region, 2016. www
- A Digital Score Library Based on MEI. In (MEC'16) Music Encoding Conference, pages 1-4, Montréal, Canada, 2016. www
- Vers un Traitement Algébrique de la Notation Musicale. In (JIM'16) Journées d'Informatique Musicale, pages 61-70, Albi, France, 2016. www
- Querying Music Notation. In (TIME'16) International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, pages 1-9, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 2016. doi www
- Querying XML score databases: XQuery is not enough. In (ISMIR'16) International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pages 723-729, New-York, USA, Unknown Region, 2016. doi www
- Analysis of the Temporal and Structural Features of Threads in a Mailing-List. In 7th Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2016), pages 107-118, Springer, Dijon, France, Studies in Computational Intelligence 644, 2016. doi www
Articles de revue
- Temporal Patterns of Pedophile Activity in a P2P Network: First Insights about User Profiles from Big Data. In International Journal of Internet Science, 10 (1): 8-19, 2015. www
Articles de revue
- A Social Formalism and Survey for Recommender Systems. In SIGKDD explorations : newsletter of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 16 (2): 20-37, 2014. doi www
- Comparing Pedophile Activity in Different P2P Systems. In Social Sciences, 3 (3): 314-325, 2014. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Mining bipartite graphs to improve semantic pedophile activity detection. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2014), Marrakech, Morocco, 2014. doi www
- AMMICO : recommandation sociale pour la visite de musée. In Apprentissage Artificiel et Fouille de Données, AAFD 2014, Université Paris 13, Institut Galilée, Villetaneuse, France, 29-30 avril 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region, 2014. www
Articles de revue
- Quantifying paedophile activity in a large P2P system. In Information Processing and Management, 49 (1): 248-263, 2013. doi www
Thèses et habilitations
Articles de conférence
- Quantifying Paedophile Queries in a Large P2P System. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications INFOCOM (Mini-Conference), pages 401-405, IEEE, Shanghai, China, 2011. doi www