Luan Jaupi

Maître de conférences
Phone: 0140272373
Office: 35.3.16

Since 1992, maître de conférences, Sciences Industrielles et Technologies de l'Information, Applied Statistics, CNAM-Paris. Researcher/ instructor on quality related topics, tools and techniques, data mining, development, administration and technical aspects of an organization's quality / reliability / safety / process improvement at all levels.


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Combinations of Shewhart and CUSUM Control Charts for Individual Observations. In MMT2019, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2019. www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Ghorbanzadeh, D.; Durand, P. and Jaupi, L. Application and generation of the univariate Skew Normal random variable. In Transactions on Engineering Technologies. 25th World Congress on Engineering, pages pp. 129-138, Springer, Transactions on Engineering Technologies. 25th World Congress on Engineering , 2018. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. New Test Methods to Evaluate Potential Performance of Cosmetic Products. In 20th International Conference Materials, Methods & Technologies 2018, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2018. www 
  1. Durand, P.; Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Jaupi, L. Index Theorem and Applications, a Gentle Review. In CMCGS 2018. 7th Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry, pages pp.1-6, Digital Library, Singapore, Singapore, Series Proc. Computational Mathematics Computational Geometry and Statistics (CMCGS) , 2018. doi  www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Statistical methods to study consistency between declared and measured values on waste packages. In COMPSTAT 2018, The 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics, Iasi, Romania, 2018. www 
  1. Durand, P.; Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Jaupi, L. Different approaches for the texture classification of a remote sensing image bank. In Ninth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, pages 1-9, SPIE, Qingdao, China, 2018. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Ghorbanzadeh, D.; Durand, P. and Jaupi, L. Generating the Skew Normal random variable. In World Congress on Engineering 2017, pages 113-116, London-UK, United Kingdom, 2017. www 
  1. Ghorbanzadeh, D.; Durand, P. and Jaupi, L. A method for the Generate a random sample from a finite mixture distributions. In CMCGS 2017. 6th Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry & Statistics, Singapore, Singapore, 2017. doi  www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Dual-use performance measures for customer service evaluation in bike-shared systems. In 61st World Statistics Congress -- WSC-ISI2017, Marrakech, Morocco, 2017. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Using Big Data to Display the Quality of Service Provided on a Bike-Shared Network. In 19th International Conference Materials, Methods & Technologies 2017, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2017. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ghorbanzadeh, D.; Durand, P. and Jaupi, L. An Analytical Method for Detecting the Change-Point in Simple Linear Regression Model. Application at Weibull Distribution. In Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 11 (1): pp. 1-13, 2016. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Finding critical process parameters that are responsible for defects in composite materials by means of data mining. In 18th International Conference on Materials, Methods and Technologies, MM&T 2016, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2016. www 
  1. Ghorbanzadeh, D.; Durand, P. and Jaupi, L. Problem of Change-Point Detection for the Poisson Observations. In World Congress on Engineering 2016, pages 20-22, London-UK, United Kingdom, 2016. www 
  1. Durand, P.; Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Jaupi, L. Various uses of statistical Tools for texture analysis. In ICGIP 2016. Eighth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, SPIE, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings Volume 10225, Eighth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2016) , 2016. doi  www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Jaupi, L. Variable Selection Methods For Process Monitoring. In IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies, pages pp. 425-436, Springer, IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies- World Congress on Engineering 2014 IV, 2015. doi  www 
  1. Durand, P.; Jaupi, L. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Construction Of Radar SAR Images From Digital Terrain Model And Geometric Corrections. In Transactions on Engineering Technologies, pages pp. 657-668, Springer, 2015. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Durand, P.; Jaupi, L. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Energy Threshold Detection in Neutronic Signal by Automatic Classification and Linear Programming. In World Congress on Engineering 2015, pages 86-89, London, United Kingdom, World Congress on Engineering 2015 , 2015. www 
  1. Jaupi, L.; Durand, P. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Statistical Process Control Methods for Individual Observations. In World Congress on Engineering 2015, pages 29-33, London-UK, United Kingdom, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2015 I, 2015. www 
  1. Jaupi, L.; Durand, P. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Applications of Influence Function and Robustness in Statistical Process Control. In 8th International Conference on Computational and Methodological Statistics. CMStatistics 2015, London-UK, United Kingdom, 2015. www 
  1. Jaupi, L.; Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Durand, P. Short run control charts for process variability. In 60th ISI World Statistics Congress (WSC) - ISI2015, July 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ghorbanzadeh, D.; Jaupi, L. and Durand, P. A Method to Simulate the Skew Normal Distribution. In Applied Mathematics, 5 (13): 2073-2076, 2014. doi  www 

Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Jaupi, L.; Durand, P. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Multivariate control charts for short-run complex processes. In IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences - Special Issue of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2013 and World Congress on Engineering 2013, pages 255-261, Taylor & Francis, 2014. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Monitoring and Control of Complex Manufacturing Processes. In ICAT 2014, pages 330-335, Antalya, Turkey, 2014. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Variable Selection Methods for Multivariate Process Monitoring. In WCE 2014, pages 572-576, London, United Kingdom, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2014 2, 2014. www 
  1. Durand, P.; Jaupi, L. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Geometric Correction of Airborne Radar SAR Image on a Digital Terrain Model, and Overlay with Satellite SPOT Data. In World Congress on Engineering 2014, pages 1116-1120, London, United Kingdom, 2014. www 
  1. Durand, P.; Jaupi, L.; Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Rudant, J-P. Modeling synthetic radar image from a digital terrain model. In ICGIP 2014. Sixth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, Beijing, China, 2014. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Herwindiati, D. E.; Djauhari, M. A. and Jaupi, L. Robust Classification of Remote Sensing Data for Green Space Analysis. In Journal of Mathematics and System Science, 3 (4): 180-186, 2013. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Herwindiati, D. E.; Jaupi, L. and Mulyono, S. Robust Reduction Dimension for Mapping of Rice Field. In World Congress on Engineering 2013, pages 1531-1536, London, United Kingdom, 2013. www 
  1. Durand, P.; Jaupi, L.; Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Rudant, J-P. Geometric correction of airborne radar image data, and overlay with map data and satellite. In SPIE Remote Sensing, pages 8892-57, Dresden, Germany, 2013. www 
  1. Jaupi, L.; Durand, P.; Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Herwindiati, D. E. Multi-Criteria Variable Selection for Process Monitoring. In 59th World Statistical Congress, pages 3550-3555, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China, 2013. www 
  1. Jaupi, L.; Herwindiati, D. E.; Durand, P. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Short Run Multivariate Control Charts for Process Mean and Variability. In World Congress on Engineering 2013, pages 670-674, London, United Kingdom, 2013. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Herwindiati, D. E.; Djauhari, M. A. and Jaupi, L. Robust Statistics for Classification of Remote Sensing Data. In 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT 2012, pages 317-328, Limassol, Cyprus, 2012. www 
  1. Durand, P.; Jaupi, L. and Ghorbanzadeh, D. Automatic segmentation of textures on a database of remote-sensing images and classification by neural network. In SPIE 2012, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XVIII, pages 1-10, SPIE, Edingburg, United Kingdom, 2012. doi  www 
  1. Jaupi, L.; Ghorbanzadeh, D.; Durand, P. and Herwindiati, D. E. Variable selection in the context of multivariate process monitoring. In 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics. COMPSTAT 2012, pages 22, Limassol, Cyprus, 2012. www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Ghorbanzadeh, D. and Jaupi, L. PROBLEM OF CHANGE-POINT DETECTION FOR NORMAL AND POISSON OBSERVATIONS. In Statistics in Scientific Investigation, pages xx, 2011. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. APPLICATIONS OF ROBUST STATISTICS IN STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL. In Statistics in Scientific Investigation, pages xx, 2011. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Selection of Variables That Are Relevant to Multivariate Process Monitoring Goals. In ISBIS 2010, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2010. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Identification of Product and Process Variables that May Be Critical for Process Monitoring and Product Quality. In 57th Session of International Statistical Institute, Durban, South Africa, 2009. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Multivariate SPC Methods to Monitor Complex Product-Process Paramaters. In Congres SFDS-SSC, Ottawa, Canada, 2008. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Applications of Robust Statistics in Statistical Process Control. In COMPSTAT'08, Porto, Portugal, 2008. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Cartes de contr^ole `a valeurs individuelles basées sur les fonctions d'influence. In SFDS'07, pages CD, Anger, France, 2007. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. SPC Methods to Monitor Complex Processes with Individual Observations. In Int. Statistical Institute, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Multivariate Methods to Monitor Short Run Complex Processes. In Int. Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics, ISBIS, Palm Cove, Cairns, Australia, 2005. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Short Run Multivariate SPC Techniques Based on the Influence Functions. In Int. Statistical Institute, Sydney, Australia, 2005. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. A Simple Approach to Design Multivariate Control Charts for Short Runs. In 54ème Session de l'Institut International de Statistique, ISI2003, Berlin, Germany, 2003. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Multivariate SPC Methods to Monitor Complex Processes. In 6th International Conference on Quality Management and Organizational Development: QMOD 2003, Paris, France, 2003. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Cartes de contr^ole specifiques basées sur les fonctions d'influences. In XXXVème Journée de Statistique, Lyon, France, 2003. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Applications of Robust Statistics in Statistical Process Control. In International Congress on Robust Statistics : ICORS 2003, Antwerpen, Belgium, 2003. www 



  1. Jaupi, L. Contr^ole de la qualité : MSP, analyse des performances et contr^ole de réception. , 2002. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Cartes de contr^ole multidimensionnel pour la maitrise de processus de fabrication complexes. In XXVèmes Journées de Statistique, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2002. www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Jaupi, L. Multivariate Control Charts for Complex Processes. In MULTIVARIATE CONTROL CHARTS FOR COMPLEX PROCESSES, pages 125-136, Physica-Verlag, Multivariate Total Quality Control , 2001. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Multivariate Methods to Monitor Complex Processes. In 2nd Int. Symp. on Industrial Statistics, Ykohama, Japan, 2001. www 
  1. Jaupi, L. Multivariate Methods to Monitor Product-Process Parameters. In 53ème Session de l'Institut International de Statistique, Seoul, South Korea, 2001. www 
  1. Karlis, D.; Saporta, G.; Spinakis, A.; Anastasiou, P.; Jaupi, L. and Gonzalez, P-L. On a statistical Sofware package for non-expert users. In ETK & NTTS 2001, pages 903-905, Hersonissos, Greece, New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics : Exchange of Technology and Know-how , 2001. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Jaupi, L. Méthodes multivariées pour le pilotage et la maitrise de processus et de produits complexes. In XXXIIèmes Journées de Statistique, Fes, Morocco, 2000. www