Christophe Maudoux

Professeur associé
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Office: 35.1.50

Networks security anomalies detection. IAM architecture expert & WebSSO maintainer


Articles de conférence

  1. Maudoux, C. and Boumerdassi, S. Unsupervised Anomaly Knowledge Flow: a Digital Signatures Extraction Approach. In 2023 10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM), pages 1-6, IEEE, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Maudoux, C. and Boumerdassi, S. Network Anomalies Detection by Unsupervised Activity Deviations Extraction. In 2022 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), pages 1-5, IEEE Xplore, Argostoli, Greece, 2022. doi  www 
  1. Maudoux, C.; Boumerdassi, S. and Boumerdassi, S. LemonLDAP::NG - A Full AAA Free Open Source WebSSO Solution. In IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), pages 277-281, IEEE, Paris, France, 2022. doi  www 


  1. Maudoux, C. and Boumerdassi, S. LemonLDAP::NG - A Full AAA Free Open Source WebSSO Solution. , Poster. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Maudoux, C. and Boumerdassi, S. Machine Learning for a Smart and Sustainable Agriculture. In SSA 2021, pages 103-121, Springer International Publishing, Virtual conference, France, Communications in Computer and Information Science 1470, 2021. doi  www 
  1. Maudoux, C.; Boumerdassi, S.; Barcello, A. and Renault, E. Combined Forest: a New Supervised Approach for a Machine-Learning-based Botnets Detection. In IEEE GLOBECOM, Madrid, Spain, 2021. www 



  1. Maudoux, C. Implémentation de l'authentification `a double facteur dans la solution de SSO AAA LemonLDAP::NG 2.0. Master's Thesis, , 2018.


  1. Guimard, X.; Oudot, C.; Maudoux, C. and Besson, M. LemonLDAP::NG 2.0. doi  www 